zaterdag 25 september 2010

26/09/2010: project has ended succesfully :)

Hi all,

three months ago I promised to post another blog entry ... after my presentation/demo and examination. The concept of 'after' lasted 3 months; I am sorry for that :)

Well, everything went great. I am officially a 'Creator of animation productions' now! During the morning I had a quite thorough examination concerning the 2nd year of the course and in the afternoon I did the demo of 'Le Village Perdu'. Everybody was happy with the result and they gave me a lot of points :)

If you want to see the final video of the game project check out this link on YouTube:

My 'game era' hasn't stopped 3 months ago luckily... Next year (february-march-april 2011) I will teach a course at Syntra Hasselt on Microsoft XNA game programming.  I will teach 2 courses of 8 days each. Currently, I am writing the course material. There is really a lot to say, and 8 days is not much!

This blog post will probaly be the last on this blog.

Thanks for reading my blog and all support during my 1 year quest!

